Classwork in Progress – abstract paint experiments
I’ve been pondering this question recently, in relation to my weekly Drawing & Painting classes. Those people who have been coming to them for a while will know that the content has evolved over time and I’m not sure that the name is still a good fit. It dates back to when I was employed by Macc College and the classes were a part of their Community Education programme. Budget cuts sadly put an end to that, which was when I made the decision to go freelance and start running them myself. It turned out to be a happy development and I love the freedom it’s given me to change and adapt how and what I teach. However, the unintended consequence of that is that I now have a title that doesn’t quite match what we do in the classes. So maybe it’s time to start a conversation. If you’ve come to my classes, especially in the last year or two, did you find it was what you expected? And if not, was that disappointing? Or pleasing?? And if I do go for a name change, what should it be? Creative Art Workshop? Mixed Media Art? Patty’s Playgroup for Grownups? (That last one may well be the most accurate…) I really would like to know what people think, and maybe get your suggestions for a good title. Do comment below, or you can drop me a line through the Contact page. Thanks.
How about “Creative Mixed Media Art Workshop”
Covers all bases! Too wordy though?