Well I’m feeling pretty damn pleased with myself. As I’m going to be away teaching in Grasmere next week, I’ve gone and got ahead of myself with planning for next term’s weekly classes at All Saints. Regular readers (in my dreams) will know that this term is going to be a bit of a relaunch. Having realised that we’ve drifted a long way from ‘Drawing & Painting’, the original title of my classes, I’ve now re-branded them as ‘Creative Art Workshops’, which I think gives a better idea of what to expect – basically a bit of everything, with lots of encouragement to try new things and take risks, Not that it’s particularly risky, we’re not doing any wing-walking. A sneaky peak at the programme above will tell you what’s in store this time. It should be fun, especially as we have some location drawing planned too. A School Trip! Woo-Hoo! If that’s whetted your appetite, you can find the full programme and all the info on how to book on my Bookings page. Hope you’ll want to join us!
New Beginnings